Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Benefits of being a vegetarian:
1.Helps cleanse the Body's System- a vegetarian diet is more rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant
2.Creative Eating!- the colorful variety of fruits and vegetables helps promote healthy eating.
3.Boosts cardio Vascular Health- helps lower homocysteine levels (associated with heart disease).
4. Longevity- A longer life span! 
the link below has more information and fun ways to become a vegetarian or ways to begin a healthy diet.


  1. This picture is super awesome! This is a good way to show how delicious and healthy a vegetarian diet can be!

  2. I like this picture. This is clean to show the topic.

  3. I love the food pyramid. It actually encourages me to eat healthier. The benefits of being vegetarian are very straight forward and informing. Who would have known that it would have taken less meat to consume to have a healthier life? Now I’m thinking of becoming a vegetarian.

  4. very interesting facts. I love the pyramid its very informative, learned a few things:)

  5. The interesting part of this food pyramid that no other pyramids include is those eight cups of water that are vital to any diet because with out the consumption of water the body doesn't function at its best.

  6. This picture tells me to get more vegetables, water and fruits instead of meat. I think to get a diet meal will more healthier to my body, and it also can reduce consuming meat at the same time!!

  7. I like the picture in this post. By reading this post I realized that there are plenty of health benefits in eating vegetables instead of meat. I also believe that eating more vegetables instead of meat will help you to save more money!
    Maryam Hojjatnejad
