Monday, April 15, 2013

About Us

Hello! We are a group of first year students attending California State University of Northridge.
 My name is Monica Andrade and currently I am undecided, but I am interested in majoring in exercise science.What I would like readers to gain from our blog is that they are knowledgeable about what the meat they are eating. Also, this opens people eyes to what really goes into making that steak, bacon, or fried chicken. The most interesting thing I found out about our meat consumption is how much it effects our environment. I had some kind of idea that meat consumption effected our world, but never knew it was a major factor. It was also shocking to read that it would be more beneficial for our atmosphere if we all switch to a vegetarian diet than if everyone switch to hybrids. Doing this research made me realize that I made the right choice of becoming vegetarian. When I first made this decision everyone told me that it was a dumb and I will not last, but here I am a year later meat free. I plan to continue to this life style and hopefully I can I switch others to a vegetarian diet. If you agree with our position try make changes to your diet. Your health won't be the only thing that well benefit, but also our animals and earth.
My name is Miguel Munoz and I am working on this blog as well. I'm a student who is majoring in business management. I'd like for those who read this blog to just enjoy and maybe learn something they did not already know. I had no idea that the consumption of meat had increased over the years, and it's weird to me how so many people just oppose eating meat all together. During the process of making this blog I've learned quite a bit and as for me, I've always wanted to cut down on the amount of meat I eat but I'm not so sure if I can do it. If anyone reading this feels like cutting down on meat I would suggest that you do. My name is Wei Hung Lai and I am a freshman of college. My major is CTVA. I like to play basketball and play sports in my free time. My name is Silvia Valencia, I'm interested in helping others and I like to go on long walks during my free time.I hope that the readers learn about the alternative life style, becoming a vegetarian can be very beneficial for your health.I think the most interest thing I learned in this project is the mistreatmeant of the animals. The animals are slaughtered to death and helpless. I have cut down on meat a lot lately, since I watched the animal videos. Maybe one day I will become vegeatarian, but for now i'm just cutting down on it.
My name is Ioannis Karseras and I am from Cyprus. I am studying jazz music, I play double bass and in my free time I like to go swimming. From my post I want the readers realize how animals suffer in factory farms because of the big meat consumption and also to pay attention how people in factory farms behave to those animals. From this project I learned a lot of information that I couldn't even think about. First of all, that people doesn't care about animals and left them suffering without care for them, they just want those animals get fat as they can with every way and later sell them.   I also learn how better is for our health to eat more vegetables rather to eat meat that lead people to serious diseases and the most interesting is that effect in negative way the environment. I recommend to people that eat daily meat to try to eat less for the good of their health, environment and the animals.

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